Friday, October 23, 2009

Switched Loyalties

"My name is Pyre.. Pyre Curse." -Pyre introducing herself

Having given her word, Pyre fully intended to be loyal to Baron Crimson for the rest of her life. She took her responsibility as his lieutenant seriously and completely. The more time she spent in his company, the stronger his hold on her became. At a word, Pyre would have gladly faced death for him. She brought him prospects to join their cause as well as conducting heists to being attention to their name. She brought him anyone she could scent power in and felt held similar ideals. One such person was Baron Netherim, a former history professor and current vessel for a demon. Others included CappaKnee, a mercenary, Nikolai Thansis, a scientist, and DarkSlyde a powerful fighter.

Some of these new allies witnessed difficulties in her training, including various mental breakdowns and battlerage when fighting the Circle of Thorns. CappaKnee was present during one particularly violent episode when Pyre turned a CoT lair into ashes and hot rock, nearly spending her own lifeforce in her efforts. He swore to her that she'd need never fear them since he would never let them near her again.

A few days later, she chanced upon and befriended DarkSlyde, conducting a few heists with his assistance. Seeing potential in him and his inate skill she presented him to her master. Baron Crimson was also impressed with DarkSlyde's capabilities and inducted him into the order. After only a few operations, he was granted status as a lieutenant. Pyre Curse never knew what to make of the way she would often catch him watching her between battles. Serving Baron Crimson was her top priority, thus she never gave any true thought to the matter. She heard Baron casually mention that DarkSlyde had been sent away for specialized training, and she figured that it was none of her concern.

In befriending Baron Netherim, Pyre was also exposed to the demon within him. At first she found the demon's attitude to be insulting and infuriating, but her old fear of demon's returned during one mission when Netherim's demon called forth all of her old memories from the way her tribe feared and hated her to her torture at the hands of the circle of thorns. Distraught, and her emotional stability well-shaken, Pyre refused to leave her lair for several days.. much to Baron Crimson's annoyance. Upon her return she was reprimanded and lectured, with Baron reminding her of who she served and her duties. Which she promised to never shirk again.

She was instrumental in bringing them into an alliance with another group of villains whom could aid them as well... the Imperialization Nation. However, early into their alliance, it was clear that Baron Crimson and the Nation's second, King Fish, did not get along. During a second meeting, King Fish offered Pyre a place with their group, which she steadfastly refused. Baron Crimson laughed at the thought that Pyre's loyalty would deviate so easily, informing King Fish that Pyre belonged to him and that he was wasting his time in trying to convert her. It was not the end of it, since King Fish promised Baron Crimson that he would take her from him.

Gradually earning a special level of trust from Baron, she learned about the fatal illness that afflicted him. Unable to heal it, Pyre did the next best thing. Casting a modified transfer spell, she funneled away all the pain he felt onto her self. Leaving him pain free and able to fully function while she experienced almost constant waves of pain. This service made her nearly invaluable to him and she was entrusted with many of their Order's secrets and plans. Despite knowing that the illness was terminal, Pyre elected to try researching a cure anyway. Since the Imperialization Nation had a library far more extensive than theirs, and had given them permission to use it, she decided to start there.

While researching in their allies' base, she was found by King Fish. The base was deserted at the time, except for the two of them. King Fish seized the opportunity and began talking to Pyre. Naturally suspicious of demons and especially of King Fish for his earlier attempt to convert her, she rebuked him and continued her studies. However, King Fish was not to be so easily dissuaded. He coated his hands in catnip dust and approached her. The low dose was enough to relax her slightly, but not to completely drug her. She lept out of his reach onto a nearby machine, to which King Fish actively blew a current of the dust towards her. Pyre had never smelled it before, so before she could think to defend herself against it, her mind dulled under the herb's scent. The scent relaxed her and lowered her defenses, and was enough to cool her natural hatred of demons.

The final strike came in the form of King Fish's influence as an incubus. His entrancing voice coaxed out the secrets she knew. He questioned her first about Baron Crimson's weaknesses and her own strange bouts of pain. She eventually admitted to the pain spell and the reason for its casting... to King Fish's delight. Unable to resist his influence, Pyre listened to his veiled demands that she break her bond with Baron Crimson and undo the pain spell. Her minimal resistance was quickly overwhelmed by the catnip's influence and his soothing voice and touch. At his prompting, she broke the pain spell. It didn't take long before she felt Baron Crimson's approach and promptly told King Fish who was coming.

King Fish ordered her to stay in the lab while he went to meet Baron Crimson. He met Baron Crimson in the meeting hall with swords already drawn and taunting the Baron about having successfully swayed Pyre Curse. The two had a brief fight that the re-weakened Baron Crimson was forced to withdraw from. The Baron ousted from the Nation's base, King Fish went back to see Pyre again. She had fallen asleep in his absence and was just waking up again.. with no memory of what had transpired. He told her that the Baron no longer wanted her and had come to kill her, but that he had saved her. Stunned and flabbergasted, Pyre demanded to know what had happened. King Fish only kept reiterating that the Baron wanted her dead and that if she left the base, she would surely be killed. Certain that King Fish was responsible, she made an ill-concidered attack on him, seeking to wound him. Being far more skilled that she, King Fish had no trouble plucking her by the throat from the air and slamming her into the wall. He forced her to see the choices in front of her.. remain with them and survive, or attempt to return to Baron and surely be killed for her "betrayal". Seeing little choice, she agreed to serve him and Lady Saffron.

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